September 2019

Our Eco System

Posted By : South Coast Horizons/ 136

Mangroves at South Coast Horizons

South Coast Horizons distinguishes itself by providing the most comprehensive information about the ecosystem on our tours.  We are committed to preserve, protect and enhance the marine environment.  The mangrove lagoon is rich in marine, bird and animal life.

There are four species of mangroves at South Coast Horizons:

White Mangrove

White Mangrove has no outstanding root structures and tends to have less stringent habitat requirements than either red or black mangroves. The bark of this species is white.

Black Mangroves

Black Mangrove sprouts pneumatophores which protrudes from the soil.

Red Mangroves

Red Mangrove occupies more than 95% of our lagoon and can be identified by its long prop roots and circular rubbery leaves.

Buttonwood Mangroves

Buttonwood Mangrove can appear in bush or tree forms and prefers less saline environments. As a result, this species is found the furthest distance from the coast. This type of mangrove has very small button-like fruit.


Mangrove swamps fulfill certain important economic and environmental functions for countries across the world. These functions include provision of wood and non-wood forest products; coastal protection against the effects of waves, wind, and water currents; conservation of biological diversity, including a number of endangered mammals, reptiles, amphibians and birds; protection of coral reefs and sea-grass beds against siltation; and provision of habitat, spawning grounds, and nutrients for a multitude of fish and shellfish

Despite the incredible value that these ecosystems provide, mangrove forests are continuing to be destroyed and degraded at a rate of about 1% per year as a result of land use change, exploitation, coastal development and climate change.

Help us Protect the Eco-system

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Mangroves are at high risk from unsustainable practices like overfishing and over-harvesting, leading to their destruction.



Mangrove forests serve a critical role in climate regulation and climate change mitigation. The trees/shrubs themselves, as well as the soil beneath them, serve as highly effective carbon sinks and storage sites.



The unique role of the mangrove forest as the interface between coastal and terrestrial ecosystems enables it to provide a wide array of habitats and thus support a huge diversity of species.



Mangroves serve as a nursery ground for many species of juvenile fish, including some commercially important species, thus contributing to food security, local livelihood sustainability and biodiversity.



Mangroves contribute significantly to the human wellbeing of the coastal communities that they adjoin.